(PDF) HK037-Main

Ex. 1613


1613 1902 (11 Mar.) A QV size F 10c registered envelopes, tied by ‘SHANGHAI’ Br. P. O cds, and KEVII 10c size F registered envelopes, tied by oval ‘SHANGHAI’ registered cancel. Photo HK$ 2,000 - 2,500 1614 1904 (3 Nov.) An incoming picture postcard from England to Shansi, via Hong Kong, With single ring ‘HONG.KONG-TO- SHANGHAI.6.12.04’ transit. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000



1615 1910 (30 July) A cover bearing QV surcharged 20c on 30c with Chinese char. Tied by ‘HONG KONG’ cds, registered to Germany, per French Packet, with ‘HAMBURG/29.8.00’ cds, the year index error ‘00’ instead of ‘10’ variety. Photo HK$ 1,800 - 2,200 1616 1933 (7 Oct.) A KGV 20c registered envelopes, size: 3 3/4 x 5 3/4, bearing extra KGV 20c, tied by ‘HONG KONG’ cds, hand stamped ‘AR’ reg. frame chop in black alongside, on reverse without any tariff instruction. And ‘HANNOVER/4.11.33’ arrival cds. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,500


Ex. 1618

1617 1905 (6 Feb.) A QV surcharged 3c on 3c brown reply stationery card, from Shanghai to Germany. Tied by ‘SHANGHAI’ Br. P.O cds, Webb type J. and Germany arrival cds alongside, date illegible. Yang P10. Photo HK$ 1,600 - 1,900 1618 Two QV 3c brown stationery cards sent locally and to England, average. Photo HK$ 800 - 1,000


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