2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


EnvisionShakopeeguides the built environment of Shakopee tohigher standardsof physical designwhilemaintainingour unique identityandsmall-town character. ThePlanemphasizes strongneighborhoods containing avarietyof qualityhousing options that fit theneedsof our communitymembers; are connectedwithsafeandefficient roadways; andsupport abalance of transportationmodes as options for bothcommutingand enjoyment.

The Built Environment section of Envision Shakopee guides growth and development policies, goals and strategies in three broad areas: » » Land Use, Development & Community Design, » » Transportation, and » » Infrastructure Shakopee’s built environment has evolved over many decades and through many phases of public infrastructure investments and private real estate development trends. The physical character of the city is largely influenced by land use decisions made by private property owners and guided by zoning and development regulations. Land use patterns are also closely linked to transportation infrastructure and the availability of different transportation modes - in Shakopee’s case, a primarily automobile-oriented transportation system has shaped much of the rapid suburban development patterns that have occurred over the past few decades. Likewise, availability and extension of utilities infrastructure, including sanitary sewer and water service, has made outward growth possible. As Shakopee plans for the next decades of physical development, it will continue to face decisions about the pace, character and scale of outward growth in the midst of changing economic conditions, demographic needs, community expectations and real estate trends. The city is also entering a period in which infill development, adaptive re-use and redevelopment in older areas will be a more significant aspect of the city’s growth and evolution. Both offer opportunities to leverage new development to maximize economic returns for the city and to enhance the quality of life for existing and future residents.


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