2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egestas lacus id leo finibus dapibus. Donec aliquam condimentum odio, at tempor neque consequat vitae. Phasellus pharetra sem quis facilisis vehicula. Sed vel aliquet sapien. Vivamus in sapien mattis, iaculis urna bibendum, gravida libero. Morbi tristique quis nibh id sollicitudin. Phasellus a porttitor turpis. Phasellus volutpat auctor sagittis. Aliquam aliquet quis libero gravida volutpat. Mauris nec orci tempor dolor aliquet elementum eget in mauris. Duis vestibulum in mi sed pulvinar. Nullam vehicula varius est, at molestie odio mollis lobortis. Aenean lorem nunc, sodales quis metus nec, volutpat viverra sem. In sit amet gravida velit. Duis a condimentum purus, non iaculis ipsum. Phasellus varius viverra faucibus. Nullam nisl nibh, maximus nec lectus et, aliquet iaculis lorem. Nullam viverra volutpat velit quis aliquam. Curabitur eu ex feugiat, porta dui id, aliquam nibh. Curabitur libero dolor, accumsan sed semper ac, posuere sit amet ipsum. Suspendisse sed aliquam ante, quis dapibus lorem. Sed leo tellus, congue et commodo vitae, rutrum a neque. Mauris feugiat, ligula eget maximus elementum, ante velit luctus odio, at ullamcorper ligula est a quam. Duis auctor facilisis convallis. Fusce nec felis dapibus ligula congue blandit a congue ante. Ut egestas pulvinar purus id ullamcorper. Nunc luctus semper ex et interdum. Transit Advantages and Existing Support Facilities Transit Advantages is a program which the Metropolitan Council has implemented region wide that allows transit vehicles to utilize freeway shoulder lanes, MNPass lanes, ramp meter bypasses and xclusive bus only l nes to avo d the worst congested areas in the region. In Shako ee, thes advantages h ve been added to U.S. Highway 169 b tween Canterbury Road (CSAH 83) and State Highw y 13 nd County Road 21 from U.S. Highway 169 t County Road 42 i t e form of bus-on y houlder lanes whic may be utilized when traffic reduces to speeds below 35 MPH. As of this Plan, there is n additional bus-only sho lder lan s planned to be added within Shakopee, but the State and Metropolitan Council, in partnership with Shakopee and other communities, have begun planning for an additional MNPass lane on both north and southbound U.S. Highway 169 from Marschall Road north to Interstate 494 which would be utilized as a Transit Advantage facility. Shakopee is also home to multiple tr nsit support facilities. These facilities are mainly park and ride l ts for com u er b s ro tes. The park and ride lots are found on the east nd of he city i Southbridge and at the in ersec ion of County Road 21 and Eagle Cr ek Blvd. The xception to this is the Mar chall Road Transit Center, which is tilized as a h b f operat ons in ddition to a park an ride as discussed earlier. These faciliti s ar all operated nd maintained by MVTA.


MarschallRoad TransitCenter



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Transit Advantages (Bus only Shoulder)


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