2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee

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The Future Non-Motorized Conditions Map identifies Trail Search Corridors and potential opportunity connections for bike/ped facilities. Trail Search Corridors are general search corridors for new regional trails or extensions of existing regional trails to connect regional parks and trails to one another. The specific alignment of the regional trails will need to be determined through a planning and engineering process. There are three such corridors within Shakopee: Big Rivers Extension, running east and west along the Minnesota River from Savage in the north section of Shkaopee, Prior Lake Outlet Channel, running north and south from Prioir Lake along the Prior Lake Outlet Channel on the eastern side of Shakopee and Louisville Township, running east to west from CR 17 to the Minnesota River along CR 14. Near-term, there are five projects, summarized below, which will significantly improve non-motorized conditions in Shakopee. Shakopee plans to use federal funds to help fund the construction of a new bike/ped bridge across HWY 169 which would connect Southbridge neighborhoods with Quarry Lake Park and improve connectivity in the larger trail network. Funding is allocated in the 2019-2023 Shakopee Capital Improvement Plan for the improvement in the year 2022. U.S. Highway 169 Pedestrian Trail Connection

This project consists of a long-term vision of converting the segment of HWY 169 into a freeway with access management and adding a diverging diamond interchange. The project also includes bike/ped facilities which will ensure safe crossing under an improved HWY 169.

2018 Trail Rehabilitation Project (Complete)

In 2018, crews overlayed and reconstructed the bituminous trail surface and constructed ADA-compliant pedestrian curb ramps among other miscellaneous restoration along Vierling Drive from Adams Street to Marschall Road. This project is a continuation of the city’s pavement preservation program to maintain existing infrastructure. Work started the week of Aug. 6 and was be completed by the end of September, 2018. This project installed specialized pedestrian crossings on County Highway 16 at four school locations in the City of Shakopee. School locations include Jackson Elementary, Shakopee High School, Sun Path Elementary, and Shakopee Area Catholic School. Pedestrian crossing improvements included Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons (RRFB), installation of pedestrian ramps and new pavement markings, and installation of median on CSAH 16 from Sarazin Street to Independence Drive. The purpose of this project is to pro-actively enhance safety by reducing crashes between vehicles and pedestrians at unsignalized intersections by increasing driver awareness of potential pedestrian conflicts. Installation of centerline median will also provide another measure of safety and refuge for pedestrians at mid crossing. CH 16 Pedestrian Crossings (Complete)

County Highway 16 Trail Addition

In 2020, the city plans to construct a new multi-use trail (non- motorized) between Spring Lake Drive and County Highway 18 that will complete the gap of the County Highway 16 Regional Trail.

Diverging Diamond Interchange HWY 41-U.S. HWY 169


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