2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


IMPLEMENT TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT (TDM) Travel Demand Management strategies are designed to encourage land use and behavioral changes that result in fewer vehicle trips during the peak hours. These types of programs focused on reducing work- commute related demand can reduce congestion during peak hours without the need to construct additional capacity. TDM plans should be required for new developments, and templates based on size can be developed for use by developers. These strategies overlap with other aspects of this plan and may include: » » Pedestrian-oriented designs

and communication challenges may be different. Shakopee could be a leader by potentially pursuing a pilot study in the future for automated shuttles as part of a commuter last mile solution. Already, MnDOT is testing an automated shuttle bus in cold weather to prepare the autonomous vehicle industry for snow and ice conditions. Such an initiative would require a detailed feasibility study and city council-level approval to move forward in an appropriate manner. DEVELOP STREETSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES Streetscapes are what tie land use and transportation together. The streetscape is defined by the physical environment, but also what takes place in these public spaces. In the space between private land and the roadway; sidewalks, landscaping, fencing, furniture, and street lighting all help encourage pedestrian friendly environments and improve public life. These features should be scaled appropriately to support the surrounding land use and encourage the appropriate activities. For example, on residential streets, streetscaping may consist of trees, landscaping, and minimum-width sidewalks, whereas in commercial areas streetscapes may include wider sidewalks, benches, sidewalk cafes, bicycle racks and other amenities. The development of a streetscape guide would help developers and roadway designers in Shakopee implement consistent and effective streetscapes in all areas of town. The typical street sections developed as part of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan should be referenced and updated, adding design criteria. The following pages display typical street design guidelines developed for the 2030 Comprehensive Plan.

» » Employer subsidized transit costs for commuters » » Bicycle support facilities such as bike parking and changing rooms » » Flexible work schedules

PREPARE FOR AUTOMATED VEHICLES When planning for the future, it is important to take future technology into consideration. As vehicle automation continues to advance, cars that incorporate sensors and radio communications will join the current fleet on the roads of Shakopee. These vehicles bring with them the promise of safety and mobility improvements. Communities that are preparing for automated vehicles are focusing on parking, curbside uses and loading zones in their downtowns, retail and employment centers near their most popular destinations. Testing and piloting of automated vehicles has been focused on urban areas, but will eventually spread out to the suburbs where detection


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