2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


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ATTRACT DOWNTOWN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Bringing employment opportunities to Downtown Shakopee would help address the imbalance between housing and employment while simultaneously creating new destinations and attracting customers to support additional retail. While it may take time to attract large employers to Downtown, using existing vacant space as co-working space or business incubators for small businesses could help support the concept and image of Downtown office space. APPLY ACCESS MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES Access to the transportation network should be managed according to the appropriate functional classification, as outlined in the table found on the previous pages. These guidelines should be reviewed by City staff and updated as necessary. FUTURE RIGHT-OF-WAY PRESERVATION Existing and planned roadways within the city that have precise locations and requirements for future improvements mainly are controlled by Scott County, limiting Shakopee’s need to identify future right-of-way to be preserved in growing areas. However, the table on the previous page does identify typical roadway guidelines in which the City follows when designing and approving new roadways in Shakopee in which it controls. Since typically roadways which fall under the city’s jurisdiction are designed and developed with larger subdivisions on undeveloped farmland, the city has not identified specific areas which require right-of-way preservation.

DOWNTOWN Some Downtown streets may be considered wide and have more lanes than needed to accommodate traffic volumes. Lane and road diets can narrow the streets, reducing a pedestrian’s exposure to traffic when crossing the street and discouraging higher vehicle speeds. Roadways with ADT up to 20,000 and more than three lanes should be considered for road diets. There is higher transit use Downtown compared to other areas. This is an opportunity for transit resources (e.g., bus shelters, benches) within the sidewalk zone and represents a need to provide facilities that allow pedestrians to safely cross the street. With wide sidewalks and a high intensity of use, entertainment and restaurants, Downtown is a great location for placemaking related improvements such as public art, bicycle racks, benches and street trees.


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