2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee

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NON-MOTORIZEDOPPORTUNITIES DEVELOP PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE MASTER PLANS Shakopee has historically included trail planning as part of the Parks and Open Space planning process. While trails provide a critical recreational opportunity, planning for pedestrian and bicycle travel on their own can be valuable. Master planning by mode will serve several purposes. The process itself, especially when conducted in a transparent and inclusive manner, can consolidate public support around a consensus vision for the role of walking and bicycling infrastructure in the community that reflects local preferences and expectations. Data-driven analysis can provide a constructive framework for challenging conversations and help resolve sensitive decisions about project prioritization and resource allocation. Finally, pedestrian and bicycle master planning efforts can help a community to more deliberately consider the various roles walking and bicycling play or could play in the lives of people in the community, ensuring that infrastructure is planned, designed and maintained appropriately. The master plans should include the development of policies for where to locate trails and sidewalks, based on criteria such as the amount of automobile traffic, proximity to destination, and other factors. If the need for separate bike/ped facilities is shown in locations where none currently exist, sidewalk or trail construction should be incorporated into the timing of the reconstruction of existing roadways.

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