2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


The Finance Department is responsible for financial management in the City of Shakopee overseeing all financial activity. Those responsibilities include cash management, debt administration, budgeting, financial planning, accounting and financial reporting, risk management and implementation of financial and internal controls. The City Council has final authority for adopting the city’s annual budget, reflecting Shakopee’s priorities for the programs and services the city provides and establishing the property tax levy. As Shakopee considers its opportunities for investment, growth and improvement in the community, the community wants to know that city leaders are strategically considering short-term and long-term financial impacts. Acting as stewards of the public’s resources, the city should work to balance the needs of current and future generations and the built, economic, community and natural environments while maintaining overall fiscal health of the city. Opportunities to address and improve financial operations include:


1. Provide quality stewardship of the city’s financial resources 2. Maintain and improve Shakopee’s financial rating 3. Establish systems for ongoing effectiveness & efficiency in facilities & operations

1. Stewardship of Financial Resources 2. Transparency of Decisions


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