2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


Envision Shakopee lays out an aspirational vision for the community. However, it is the rules and regulations documented in the City Code which set the legal framework for implementing the vision on a day-to- day basis. The City Code is a set of adopted ordinances which regulate all components of the community. The following outlines some of the City Code amendments which will need to be made or explored in order to implement Envision Shakopee. Policy recommendations are found throughout Envision Shakopee, within the Issues & Opportunities discussions of several sections as well as within the Goals & Strategies of every section. The plan recommends review and revision of city policy to align with the goals and intent of Envision Shakopee, including applicable governance, land use, housing, transportation, and etc. policies. Following is a discussion of existing official controls that includes zoning code, subdivision policy and water resources. These policies should be examined and updated as needed to enable the implementation of the goals of this plan. Official Controls ZONING CODE The City of Shakopee exercises its zoning authority to regulate the use and development of land within the city. Zoning is intended to promote and protect the health, safety and welfare of the community and its residents. The zoning code, adopted by the City Council, defines the current rights that owners have for their properties by dividing the city into zoning districts. The ordinance regulates the types of uses which can occur in POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS PLAN AND FOLLOW-UP PLANS

each zoning district, as well as the specific building and development standards for each zoning district (residential, commercial or industrial). The district boundaries are depicted on a zoning map. The city intends to update its zoning code to meet current market expectations, realities, land use patterns and community aspirations and to be in alignment with Envision Shakopee. After some study, the city may pursue a wholesale overhaul of its zoning code. In many ways, the existing zoning code is cumbersome, outdated and difficult to use and understand.

The current zoning code outlines the following zoning districts:



Agricultural Preservation Zone (AG)

Preserve and promote agriculture in the unsewered areas of the city which are suitable for such use, prevent scattered and leap-frog non-farm growth, and prevent premature expenditures for such public services as roads, sewer, water, and police and fire protection. Allow low-density residential development in areas which are not served by municipal urban services. Allow low-density residential development in areas that were platted prior to September 2006, and which are served by municipal urban services. Allow large-lot single-family development in areas of the city served by sanitary sewer and water.

Rural Residential Zone (RR)

Sewer Rural Residential Zone (SRR)

Low-Density Residential Zone (R-1A)


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