2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee

Central Business Zone (B-3)

Provide a zone which accommodates the unique character of the central business area in terms of land uses and development patterns. To create a high-quality environment for large amusement and recreation attractions with a regional draw, with a high degree of land use compatibility and street efficiency. It is further the intent of the Zone to protect existing landscape features, to preserve open space, to sensitively integrate development with the natural landscape, and to require the planning of entire land ownerships as a unit rather than permit piecemeal or scattered small developments. Provide an area for industrial, light manufacturing, and office uses which are generally not obtrusive and which serve as a transition between more intensive industrial sites and residential and business land uses. Provide areas for the development of office, business, and light industrial uses meeting high standards of design and construction and having close proximity to major transportation corridors and/or other industrial zones.

Business Park Zone (BP)

Provide areas for the development of office, business, and light industrial uses meeting high standards of design and construction and having close proximity to major transportation corridors and/or other industrial zones. Encourage innovation, variety, and creativity in site planning and architectural design; promote flexibility in land development and redevelopment; maximize development compatibility; encourage the planning of large parcels of land as a unit; provide for greater efficiency in the use of land, streets, and energy; preserve and protect environmentally sensitive site features and historically significant features; preserve open space; and provide quality living, working, shopping, and recreating environments for residents and visitors.

Major Recreation Zone (MR)

Planned Unit Development District

Light Industry Zone (I-1)

Heavy Industry Zone (I-2)

It is not the intent of this section to establish a separate zoning classification.


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