2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


Strategic Planning The comprehensive plan lays out a wide-sweeping and aspirational vision for the next 20 years. To implement the plan in a reasonable and realistic manner, it will be important for the city to conduct regular strategic planning that identifies priorities, analyzes new and shifting data trends and circumstances, assesses available resources and continually engages the community. The City Council will be encouraged to continue its history of outlining priorities on an annual basis. From the stated priorities, staff shall create an annual work plan for each department to execute the priorities. Functional Area Plans Envision Shakopee’s chapters outline the general direction for the city’s land use, housing, parks, transportation and infrastructure. The comprehensive plan does not, nor is it intended to, provide a deep analysis or plan for each of these planning elements. Functional area plans or system plans are intended to serve as more detail-oriented and specific plans, focused on expanding and addressing the goals as outlined in the comprehensive plan. The city should explore conducting plans in the following areas:

The city should conduct small area plans for areas of importance, potential redevelopment or improvement and/or new construction or annexation. Small area plans should be conducted on an as-needed basis.


In the summer of 2018, the city began the process of creating a new park system master plan. The plan is intended to review and update plans for the park system, recreational programming, maintenance and operations, budgeting, community engagement, communications, connections to the river, trail improvements and natural and open space preservation. The plan should be completed sometime in the spring or summer of 2019. Providing transportation options and a safe and balanced transportation system is a priority of the community. Achieving the transportation goals laid out in Envision Shakopee will require some careful planning. The city should undertake a process in which it reviews its transportation plans and policies, likely leading to the adoption of a Complete Streets policy. Safety around the city’s schools was specifically raised as a concern. The city expects to partner with other agencies to pursue a city-wide Safe Routes to School plan. TRANSPORTATION PLAN(S)



The affordability of housing has consistently been raised as a concern of the community. The city should consider studying housing issues, exploring opportunities to set the stage for more housing options as well as reduce costs, including regulatory barriers.

The various sections of this plan outline changes city-wide with some direction provided for specific areas or neighborhoods. Small area plans are like a comprehensive plan, yet different in scale, identifying more granular issues, opportunities and action items.


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