2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee



Government Funds The city maintains 24 individual governmental funds. Information is presented separately in the city’s annual budget and budget report. The major funds include the General Fund, Economic Development Authority Special Revenue Fund, the Capital Improvements budget, Community Center and Ice Arena, City Hall Fund and TIF District No. 17 Capital Project funds. Proprietary Funds The city maintains three different types of proprietary funds. Enterprise funds are used to report the same functions presented as business-type activities. The city uses enterprise funds to account for its sewer, storm drainage and refuse operations. Internal service funds are an accounting device used to accumulate and allocate costs internally among the city’s various functions. The city uses internal service funds to account for its fleet of vehicles and mobile equipment, its major buildings, the replacement park assets, information technology items, insurance funding and for employee compensated absences. All of these services predominantly benefit governmental, rather than business-type functions.

How to Use the Implementation Matrix The following matrix includes a row for every goal statement in the plan, as found in the Goals & Strategies pages of each plan chapter. The matrix columns identify potential next steps to aid in accomplishing the action steps, including implementation tools, leaders and partners, priority level and cost. The implementation tools are those mechanisms discussed in this chapter, including projects, policies, plans, programs, practices, partners, and promotion. The leaders and partners include key departments, agencies, and stakeholders needed to accomplish the goals. The priority level for each goal (low, medium, and high) is based on the stakeholder and community feedback gathered in the engagement efforts of the planning process. The costs provide a relative range associated with the implementation tools identified for each goal. For an expanded disucssion of the following implementation table, an expanded table with more detail may be found in Appendix D.


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