


Optimising energy use The second project concerns the development of a solution to optimise energy use in industrial and office buildings using a big data approach. Named “Co-Conso”, it has enabled employees to acquire new expertise in data management and processing as well as in designing energy saving apps for smartphones. Ten Group employees worked on this project in 2017. emissions The aim is to explore the potential opportunities offered by the new 3-D printing technologies to optimise CO 2 emissions using two approaches. The first approach consists of optimising raw materials use and supply chain processes. 3-D printing significantly reduces a product’s development cycle thanks to rapid prototyping which limits raw materials use while also accelerating the development process. The technology also modifies supply chain cycles, allowing more processes to be performed close to the end-customer. This reduces freight and inventory volumes, resulting in lower CO 2 emissions with a positive impact on sustainable development. The second even more innovative approach concerns the development of bioreactors using 3-D printing to produce distributed carbon capture devices. Over 20 employees worked on these innovation projects using 3-D printing in 2017. We intend to pursue this responsible innovation strategy, with two new initiatives planned in 2018: ● creation of a “Sustainable development solutions” category in the innovation competition to be launched during the year; ● creation of a “Sustainable development portfolio” to track our offers and skills in this area more closely. Using 3-D printing to optimise CO 2

EDUCATION The corporate sponsorship agreement between the Lyon INSA partnership foundation and Assystem was renewed in 2017 for five years. The Group has funded a new Gender Balance chair and provided sponsorship for a class of electrical engineering students. We also provide backing for the Cordées de la Réussite – Convention Diversité programme to support the best students throughout their studies. In addition, Assystem is a corporate sponsor of the INSTN Foundation set up under the aegis of Fondation de France. The foundation’s objective is to develop and enhance training initiatives to support the nuclear industry and low-carbon energy sources. The main initiatives concern: In 2015, we gave a commitment to work with the École des Mines de Nantes engineering school to jointly support the MERITE project for two years (MERITE is a French acronym standing for “Using experience of industrial and technical realities to help schools”). The aim of this project bringing together scientists and educational experts, school inspectors and teachers, is to “restore children’s appetite for learning, self-confidence and joy in creating and innovating, and to give technological culture the place it deserves in education”. SPORT Since 2012, Assystem has been a proud supporter of Racing Club de France Rugby which works to secure the lasting social inclusion of young people from all social backgrounds, by teaching them to play rugby and embrace the game’s values (respect, bravery, teamwork, etc.). Charitable commitment and community outreach Assystem supports and partners employees in their community outreach undertakings. As part of the gender balance programme, we have adopted a policy of financing employees’ charitable activities. ● creation of teaching chairs; ● improvement of students’ living conditions; ● design of teaching tools and equipment; ● dissemination of knowledge.



ENGAGING WITH SOCIETY Corporate sponsorship In France, the Group has launched several corporate sponsorship initiatives. We hire many students each year and support the educational community through a variety of programmes.




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