Annual Report 2014


The UPM Foundation supports projects with a specific duration and specific objectives, seeking to promote an improvement in the quality of life of the residents in the communities that make up the area of operations. These projects emerge from exchanges with social organisations and local stakeholders, the main allies for achieving compliance with the mission and in having an impact on the communities. Proposals must be submitted via the application form and should be sent to the UPM Foundation office in Fray Bentos, 25 de mayo 3339. Before preparing a proposal, you are advised to read the terms and conditions of the Request for Projects to see the scope of the support provided by the Foundation. Projects that include the following elements will be given special consideration: coordination with other institutions, a return for the implementing entity and projects that are sustainable once the support comes to an end. A Guide is also available for preparing projects that gives a step-by-step explanation of how to complete the form. To access these documents, go to: PRESENTATION OF PROJECTS

Download the application form at: If you need more information, write to:

Developed in the area of operations of the Foundation the projects

Involve a good part of the community

Sustainable or have a long-term impact

Include coordination with other stakeholders

Related to the mission


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