15(d) CHARGES. With the exception of Rules 6, 8 and 13, for all breaches of Rule a formal written charge must be issued. The respondent shall be given seven days from the date of notice to reply to the charge and given the opportunity to (i) Accept or deny the charge

(ii) Submit in writing a case of mitigation, or (iii) Put their case before the Cup Committee.

16 CUPS AND TROPHIES . The Association shall present to the winners of the Final Ties a suitable trophy which will be retained by the Association following the competition presentation. In addition the winning club will be provided with a replica trophy which shall be retained by the club indefinitely. In order to recognise services to those Secretaries of at least FIVE YEARS STANDING whose Club competed in the FINAL TIES of any Competitions, a memento similar to the Players shall be awarded to such Secretaries for the most Senior Competition as determined by the Association 17 MEMENTOES . The Association will present mementoes to both the winners and runners up of all competitions of the final tie. When a player taking part in any final tie of the Competition is ordered to leave the field of play for misconduct, the award to which he may be entitled will be withheld until the matter has been referred to the Association. Applications to purchase not more than 4 extra mementoes with name of Players will be dealt with by the association. In final ties of Competitions, the appointed Referees, Assistant Referees and Reserve Officials will receive a memento.


INSTRUCTIONS TO SECRETARIES – Cup Entry Forms, Fees and all correspondence for Association Council business should be sent to the Hon. General Secretary.

Any club failing to deal with correspondence within SEVEN days shall be fined £10.00.

Cup entries should be in the hands of the Hon Treasurer by August 1st. Payment can be made directly to the Peterborough Football Association Bank Account, details of which will be advised within any application or invoice. Alternative if paying by Cheque, P.O.’s etc these should be made out to The Peterborough Football Association.

Please be prompt in your attention to all official correspondence.

All matters other than official written nature shall be reported to the Council by the Hon. General Secretary.. The monthly meeting of the Association Council takes place on the second Wednesday of each month throughout the year.

By means of inscription and participation in these Cup Competitions every Club certifies to be well versed of all conditions in these regulations and to assume the Rules unreservedly.

Every club is responsible to their County Football Association for the action of its Players, Officials and Spectators. Clubs are further required to prevent spectators threatening or assaulting Officials and Players during and at the conclusion of a match.


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