STACK NZ Apr #61

For details on how to enter all our competitions, head to




STACK SOCIAL Listening to you lot chatting and interacting with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is all kinds of awesome! Make sure you get involved and follow us on: STACK Magazine NZ @STACKMag stackmagazine

One Huge HALO Prize-pack up for grabs and 10 runner-up prizes! With JB Hi-Fi's release of Halo: Nightfall this month, we are offering STACK's Facebook community the opportunity to take home a Halo prize-pack, valued at over $1000 and including a SEIKO Sportura Kinetic Direct Drive and Halo: Nightfall Blu- ray, PLUS 10 runner-up prizes. HAIL HALO! Thanks to Anchor Bay and Seiko

Head to STACK Magazine NZ on Facebook to enter

What you've been loving on social this month:

Five Nightcrawler Prize-packs Up For Grabs Pulse-pounding thriller Nightcrawler sees Louis Bloom (Jake Gyllenhaal), a slimy sociopath and common thief, turn ambulance chasing into a business. Head to for your chance to win one of five prize-packs. Thanks to Madman Entertainment NZ

WIN a Copy of The Dead Lands on DVD Māori history is brought to life in this period action-adventure based on the traditional fighting art of Mau rākau. We have three to give away. Download the STACK App for your chance to win a copy.

WIN Mortal Kombat X on Your Choice of Platform! Fuelled by next-gen technology , Mortal Kombat X combines unparalleled, cinematic presentation with all new gameplay to deliver the most brutal Kombat experience ever – and we’ve got one to give away. Your choice of either Xbox One or PS4.

Head here for more shenanigans...

STACK 's Top Tip: Get to the front of the stage at a gig by dancing through the crowd: no one will know your plan – close your eyes for extra authenticity as you shimmy and shake past unsuspecting audience members. #JokeOfTheDay I saw that show, 50 Things to Do Before You Die . I would have thought the obvious one was "Shout For Help". - Jimmy Carr

Thanks to Warner Bros. Interactive

Happy Birthday David Tennant (April 18)

Tell us what you'd give David Tennant for his Birthday. #STACKBirthday



Q1 Antonio Moreno, Jeff Chandler, Michael Keep and John Hodiak. What's the link? Q2 This 2010 speculative mystery drama was based on the real-life disappearance of the wife of a New York property tycoon. Title please. Q3 In 1977 this actor portrayed an Australian lawyer who defends a group of aborigines accused of murder. Name him? Q4 Who once described his magnum

Q8 A mobster spots a chance to cash in on the rivalry between two gangs in a dusty Texas border town. Title of this 1996 movie please. Q9 Ginger Rogers & Debbie Reynolds played the same key role in different versions of the same story. Name the titles of both films Q10 What links Bradley Cooper to Richard Dreyfuss (once), Kevin Spacey (once) and Christian Bale (twice)?

opus thus: "I was trying to tell a simple story of bad men in changing times"? Q5 This actress made her US screen debut playing a glamorous gypsy dancer in a classic film directed by William Dieterle. Who was she? Q6 Who in 1980 directed a comedy that was a homage to Federico Fellini's 8 1/2 ? Q7 Name the 1960s pop star who portrayed a movie character that emptied a German town of all its rats.


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A10. Sylvester Stallone: Rambo: Last Blood

A8. The Seventh Victim (1943) A9. Dustin Hoffman in Who is Harry Kellerman and Why is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me?

A7. Black Horse Canyon

A6. Peggy Lee; Si & Am the Siamese cats in

The Lady and the Tramp.

A5. Machine Gun Preacher

(1960) A3. Clueless A4. They have all received Oscar nominations for playing priests onscreen.

(1965) A2. The League of Gentlemen

A1. Sydney J. Furie - The Ipcress File


Quiz Answers March 2015 (Issue 60) -

APRIL 2015 JB Hi-Fi


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