Maintenance Manual and Instruction Book, 16H, Big 4, 18 and ES2



Big 4.

16 H.

18 & ES 2

Cubic Capacity .............. Bore .......................... Stroke .......................... Compression Ratio Sparking Plug ............. Ignition Timing. Before top, fully advanced Magneto Points, gap Plug Points, gap ............... Valve Timing. Inlet opens before top .... Exhaust closes after top .... Tappet Clearance Cold. Inlet .......................... Exhaust .......................... ......................... Main Jet .......................... Throttle Valve .............. Needle Position .............. Amal Carburetter. Type

.... 633 c.c......... .... 82 m/m .... 120 m/m .... .... 4.5 - 1 K.L.G. M.80

.... 490 c.c......... .... 79,gi/m .... .... 100 m/m .... .... 4.9 - 1 K.L.G. M.80

.... 490 c.c. .... 79 m/m .... 100 m/m .... 6.6 - 1 .... K.L.G. F.70

.... |" ........ 012" ........015"

.... r ........ 012" ........ 015"

.... f t " ........012" ........ 015"

r r

.... f t " .... f t "

.... ....

.... A " .... * "

by letter Q. Both push rods to be free to rotate.

Engine Nos. followed ........004" ........ 006"

See para. 20 for ........ 004" ........ 006" .... 276 A.T....... .... 160 .... 6/5 .... Middle

.... 276 A.U. .... 160 .... 6/4 .... Middle

.... 276 A .T....... .... 170 .... 6/4 .... Middle

Piston Clearances. Top of Skirt

........ 0085" ........ 0075" ........ 0055" ........ 0045"

........ 0075" ........ 0065" ....’ .0055" ........0045"

........ 0067" ........ 0057" ........ 0047" ........ 0037"


Bottom of Sk irt..............

Engine Sprocket, Solo .... Engine Sprocket, Sidecar

.... 20 tooth .... 18 tooth

.... 19 tooth .... .... 16 tooth

.... 19 tooth .... .... 16 tooth

Gear Ratios, Solo

4.66, 5.64, 8.24, 13.84 5.16, 6.25, 9.14, 15.3

4.9, 5.93, 8.67, 14.6

Gear Ratios, Sidecar

5.8, 7.02, 10.3, 17.2

2f galls, approx.

S '

Petrol Tank Capacity ....

4 pints approximate | pint approximate £ pint approximate

Oil Tank Capacity

7 s

s '


Gearbox Capacity

Chaincase Capacity


Rear 23lbs.

Tyre Pressures ............... ' Front 18lbs. »

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