Prism Hotels and Resorts

The tentative close out date is 7 REGULAR days (INCLUDING weekends and holidays) after speaking with the hotel manager.

Let the manager know you do not have a whole lot of time, so sound a little rushed. Do not be a super easy going client, but be careful not to shut them down either.



Prism uses the term “exposure” rather than “presentation”. They want to make sure that their managers are providing customers with information on the amenities at the property AND the service levels. This needs to be done verbally in order to receive credit for Question #1 .

(also known as Presentation):

Questions #2-#6 can be done verbally or in writing to receive credit.

Question #2: In order to receive a “YES” for this question, the manager will need to offer features and benefits that are RELATED to the uncovered buy factors. Note: the manager must ask about buy factors in order to receive credit – buy factors cannot be assumed. Question #3: In order to receive a “YES” for this question, the manager will need to include features and benefits in their presentation.

**Please NOTE: If #2 is a “YES”, then #3 is a “YES”!!

Please TRY to Object, when possible during the initial call. The usual objection would be to RATE!!! The manager may respond to the objection verbally OR via email.


Question #9 : In order to get a “YES”, the manager will need to use a “testimony” from a current/previous client to help support their efforts in overcoming the objection. When the objection is related to price, as are many objections, the manager should first be trying to “sell” the original price. Using a third-party endorsement can help the manager to either sell the original pricing or when pricing needs to be reduced, the endorsement could aide in successfully overcoming the objection. *For example: If your objection is related to food and beverage pricing, then the manager could express the other customer’s satisfaction with the banquet service they received. If the objection is related to room rate, then the manager could express the customer’s satisfaction with their guest room experience or overall stay. Prism expects each manager to ATTEMPT TO CLOSE during the initial call. This is the ONLY way to get a “YES” for Question #2. If they do, then we need to DECLINE to book, as we ALWAYS do. This can be done by saying you are not ready for a contract at this time. Prism then expects their managers to follow-up, within 7 REGULAR days, AND ATTEMPT TO CLOSE on the business again. This attempt to close can be done via PHONE or EMAIL. If done, Question #4 is rated “YES”. If the manager did not attempt to close on the initial call, but did attempt to close during the follow-up, then points would be awarded for #4. If you have any questions regarding Question #9 related to a specific shop, please contact LeResa James.


Please note that the manager is able to follow-up via PHONE or EMAIL.

Professionalism & Follow Up:

12 | P a g e

C o n f i d e n t i a l , c a n n o t b e d i s t r i b u t e d t o a n y o n e o u t s i d e H o s p i t a l i t y S o f t n e t

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