STARWOOD – Sales Shops (Initiated via PHONE)

Hotel code s _initiate date_shopper initials EXAMPLE: 385s_100413_lj NOTE: The Shop ID Code is the same as the name used to save the report document.


The tentative close out date is 7 business days after speaking with the hotel manager.

Please call two competitors listed on the assignment sheet to rate Reachability. You will use a completely fictitious name and contact information. DO NOT USE the HSI identity or your personal identity. There is no need to have a manager call you back. Simply use the scenario listed on the assignment sheet, note if you reach a receptionist, voicemail or Manager and end the call. If you are transferred to a manager, let the transfer go through to ensure you are reaching a live person and not a voicemail. Then you can say "your boss needs you" or "another call is coming in that you have to take" and end the call. The calls to the competitors should not take more than a few minutes to complete since you are not shopping the manager but only rating reachability.


NOTES PERTAINING TO THE REPORT’S SPECIFIC SECTIONS: Score Summary – Capture and Reachability Factor:

Manually fill in the Hotel, Comp 1 and Comp 2 Reachability boxes with 0%, 50% or 100% based on what occurred.

The first two lines of the chronology are for the competitor reach information. On the first line, start with the time zone and then list which hotel you called and what occurred. On the second line, list the hotel you called and what occurred. There is no need to list the time zone again anywhere in the chronology. Please pay attention to any instructions listed with individual questions pertaining to how to rate with certain scenarios. The manager receives credit for questions handled verbally ONLY!! This can be live or on a voicemail message. 16 a. They did not clearly sell the brand at all b. They did one or the other. Either they touched on differences their brand offers to others, focusing on what their brand offers (not what the other brand offers). This can be features, benefits, or features & Benefits. OR they used brand language. Either option gives 1 point c. They did two things. They used the brand voice by using brand language AND they also sold BENEFITS of the differences of their brands to others. Not features, but includes benefits as well. OBJECT 100% of the time unless for some reason we can't due to the way the manager handles the call! a. Object on price if possible. If not on price, object to something else. b. If you find you can’t object on the initial call because it would not be “realistic”, then don’t do so. Wait for the proposal to be emailed. Once you receive the email, reply VIA EMAIL with an objection. By replying in this manner, we will NOT impact the “follow-up” phase and rating. c. The manager needs to respond to the objection via PHONE, in order to receive a YES for some of the objection questions as outlined on the template.




The manager must Follow-up VIA PHONE , otherwise it is rated as NOT DONE .


The manager must Follow-up VIA PHONE , otherwise it is rated as NOT DONE .

Professionalism & Follow Up:

The 2nd section in the written summary refers to the use of brand terminology. Please list the sentences in which the manager uses the brand terms listed on page 6 of the template. Brand terms differ between each brand and are listed on page 6 of each template. If no brand terms are used, please write something like "On this call, brand terminology was not used." We do not offer recommendations in this section.

The 3rd section is an overview of the manager's best skills. Here you will share manager’s primary strengths.

The 4th is an overview of Manager's skills that need to be improved. Offer recommendations for areas of opportunity.

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C o n f i d e n t i a l , c a n n o t b e d i s t r i b u t e d t o a n y o n e o u t s i d e H o s p i t a l i t y S o f t n e t

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