Trafika Europe 9/10 - UK in Europe

two crimestories

had been hiding for that entire week.

that squelched against the concrete sidewalk as if the soles of the shoes were damp. Cem watched as a sopping wet Herr Schneider hurried by. Schneider didn’t see him. Cem didn’t understand what this meant until he joined us in the school office the next morning. We wanted to tell the police, but nobody asked us. We wanted to tell our parents, but they waved us off, despite the fact that only a few days before they would have greedily snatched up any bit of news that would have fanned the flames under the rumors about Herr Schneider and Silvana’s mother. In the end, we ourselves stopped believing that we knew anything important. The school year soon came to an end. Herr Schneider

We were the only ones who knew more. We hadn’t given up our plan to play detectives just because Herr Schneider had come back to school. But we had only been able to watch him for a few hours on Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday night around ten, Cem slipped out of his house and took over the shift that was supposed to run until midnight. He settled down at his observation post, on a park bench at the playground, whichwas located across the street from the building where Schneider’s apartment was. Cem fell asleep and didn’twakeupuntil around two, when he heard some strange noises. Footsteps


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