Alcala Yearbook 1998

Whal belle r place lo 80 lo ~ hool lhen amid l L\merica's finesl Cily and California's oldesl, 0an Oie8o? ll's 80l somelhin8 for everyone. Visil hisl oric Old Town for a cullurally rich 8limpse inlo 0an Die8o' pasl, nol l o menlion fanlaslic authentic food. Balboa Park offe rs a numbe r o f museums dedical ed lo hi l ory, arl and ~ ience as well a· a look inlo 0an Oie8o's cull ural dive rsily. Don'l for8el about l he Old Globe Theatre, hosl lo many live produclions includi08 lhose performed by U0D's own Master of fine L\rts pro8ram; or lhe Casa De l Prado Theatre which presents various shows includi08 a comic opera and children's theale r. f or o the r thealrical enlertainmenl, lhe re's the Civic Theale r and 0preckles Theale r downlown. While you're lhe re, slroll throu8h lhe Gaslamp Qg_arler, eal al any o f Lhe fine restaurants on f ourlh or fifth L\venues, dance al any o f lhe clubs in Lhe same area, or shop in liorlon Plaza. Downlown 0an Oie8o is an experience all in itself Maybe you'd prefer lhe more family ori nted , world famous & n Die8o Zoo, Wild L\nimal Park, or &a World; or perhaps a day spent al your le isure on one o f & n Die8o's beaches is more your slyle. Mission Beach's Belmonl Park rolle r coa ler is certainly worth a whirl. Tour the famous lfolel de ! Coronado if you find yourself on lhe othe r ide o f one of Califo rnia' most impressive brid8es, spannin8 across l he Coronado Bay. You're sure to be captivaled by the bay's U.0. avy vessels as you make your way ove r il. If you apprecia le b aches, La Jolla is worlh your lime. Explore Lhe caves at the shores o f La Jolla Cove, sno rkel or dive in l he Underwate r alional Park, or bask in the sun like l he sea lions. Don'l leave La Jolla without indul8in8 a little in lhe Prospect shoppi08 and dinin8 experience. Of course, if shoppin8 is what you wanl, look no furlher l han the newly renovated fashion Valley Mall, or Mission Valley Cenler which houses one o f lhe lar8esl movie theaters in our area, lhe L\MC 20. 0ports fans, slop by lhe new Qg_alcomm 0 tadium, home of Lhe Padres and lhe Char8ers, and host of 0uper Bowl X.XX.11. f inally, it only makes sense Lo Lake advanta8e o f our prox.imily to Mexico. ttead for lhe border if you're feeli08 a bit adventurous, but be sure l o make your way back l o 0an Die8o in plenly of lime to prepare for your next class at U0D. E>y Lisa Chrisline Qundquist @Chad 00leo

Pictured Above: The few fad ing Pictured Top: estled in the heart of glimmers of sunset illuminate the downtown, the Gaslamp Quarter and natural beauty of San Diego beaches. Horton Plaza offer a huge variety of restaurants, shops and sights.

San Diego 7

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