Alcala Yearbook 1998

8Ludenl i\ffair · encompasses almost every a peel of univer ily life. Its variou offtc address many different student issues, from academi Lo those out of Lhe classroom. The department continually strives Lo help Ludents reach new hei8hts, leadin8 up Lo 8raduation and beyond The Office of Dru8 and i\lcohol Education sponsors pro8ram Lhrou8houl the year Lo raise campus awareness of important issues. Each year Lhe office brin8s Lhe 1\1D8 Memorial O!!_ill and several speakers onto campu . f\lumni end Parent Qelations has Lhe Le ·k of creatin8 end mainleinin8 e Lron8 bond between Lhe University and present, pa Lor future Ludents. Community service 8ives students a chance Lo enhance their education outside of Lhe classroom. The Offices of Community & rvice and Community &rvice Learnin8 offer e variety of opporluniti for students, alumni and all members of Lhe U8D community Lo broaden their horizon Lhrou8h volunteer work in our area. Qesidence Life is an important resource for Ludents livin8 on campu . from the ftr 'L day of Move-In, Q.f\.' end Q.D' are al work Lryin8 Lo create a better livin8 environmenL fromon campus Lo off, and Orientation Week Lo Graduation, 8Ludenl f\ffair is a con 'Lant force drivin8 the Univer ily Lo new 8oals, new achievements end new hei8hts.

By Kelle Thoma

Pictured Above: Christy Yoder vo lunteers at the Tijuana Orphanage Project. Pictured Right: In December, USD Spanish I studen ts assisted in planning a Po ado Party for children in Tijuana.

108 Student Affair

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