Alcala Yearbook 1998

Alumni & Parent Relations Frombe fore re8i lralion until afler 8radualion, lhe Office of Parent and i\ lumni Qe lalions i al work buildin8 a lron8er university community. Each summer lhe o ffice put.s on 8urnmer & nd Off Pro8ram lo welcome incomin8 freshmen. i\lumni Qe lalions coordinates lhe class scho larships awarded each year lo students demonslralin8 academic excellence. fall family Weekend and lhe i\nnual i\lumni Homecomin8 Tail8ale lop o ff lhe fall events, while l he tlu8hes Career i\chievernenl i\wards and & nior Banquet and Graduation Brunch fill lhe sprin8 schedule. Parent Idlers he lp keep parents awa1'e o f campus events while i\lumni New lellers and Masses he lp en ure lhe lifelon8 bond between 8raduales and lhe U8D community.

Pictured Right: Homecoming's

Alumni Tailga te is a grea t chance for alumni to v isit the Uni versity and see fellow gradua te . Pictured Right: Parents enjoy the Fall Family Weekend. Pictured Far Right: Graduates start off graduation day with the annual brunch.

110 Stud nt Affa irs

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