Alcala Yearbook 1998
Residence Life Beif18 an Q.A. is more than a j ob, it's a lifesLyle. 6uddenly, you must adjust fromsimply lookin8 ouL for yourself Lo becomin8 r ponsible for some 40-plus other people. In ord r lo survive, an QA musL learn lo live by Lhe motto "Expecl Lhe Unexpecled " The position poses many challen8es for all of us, buL Lhe benefits oulwei8h these obstacle by fa r. One of Lhe hardesL parls of Lh j ob is havin8 Lo accepLyour own limiLalion , Lhal you can't always be Lhere for everyone all the Lime. /\fler wiLne ·in8 Lhe evolulion of a hall community froma bunch of slran8e~ Lo a family of friends, the hardesLLhin8 Lo do is say 8,ood-bye at the end of Lhe school year. We are noLhired Lo run the residents' lives. We're simply here lo provide lhe mosLcornforLable livi1)8 environment possible. 6am Limes l haL includes havin8 Lo ask residents lo turn down Lheir mu ·ic, pour ouL Lheir alcohol, and break up Lheir parties, but mostly it's just bein8 available as a counselor, advisor, mediaLor, aclivilies coordinaLor, and mosL imporlanlly, a friend We donl alLesL lo havin8 all Lhe answers. ILis a job l hal is forever evolvin8 and leachin8 us new lesson alof18 the way As QA's we've all learned so much fromour fellow residents and staff families. WiLh all Lh ni8hts of duly, hall pro8rams, workshops Lo aLLend, offtc hour lo hold and simply .;beif18 available," one may wonder how we find lime Lo aLLend classes let alone have a social life. 6omehow we rnan88 , and ir, when all i aid and done, mana8ed Lo help or inspire one resident alon8 Lh way, Lhen iL was all worth il. And arler a school year i complete. we can honeslly ay il was Lh best j ob we've ever had. l')y c:ilephanie Qiesenman
Qesidenl AssislanL (3 yea~)
Pictured Right: R.A. bonding at the pre-Orien ta tion Week Retreat Pictured Far Right: Maher R.A. 's with Resident Director Larry Perez
Pictured Above: USD's 1997-98
Pictured Right: Alcala Vista R.A. 's with Resident Director
Residence Life Staff
120 Student Affairs
Chad Izmarian
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