Alcala Yearbook 1998
ptz.esicl.ent /ft ichael
There i · no olher person I know of lhal embodies the underlyin8 ener8Y and relenlless enlhusiasm lhal our rearle leader and A6 President. Mike orra les does! tie ha served a an A6 leader for the past three years - a a ophomore senalor, Vice Presidenl of Pro8rammin8, and now as our President - and uses hi
I consider myself lruly lucky to not only have work d side by side wilh Cianna, but also to ca ll her one of my dearest friend·. 1\6 was, is, and hopefully will alway be a better or8anization because of her invo lvemenl and unendi08 dedicalion to her work. U6D is sure ly a better place because of her wise deci ion · and valuable input lo faculty and administration on behalf of the tudent.s. Iler work over the pa t four years has brou8ht many new educalional opportunities Lo campus includin8 educational pro8rams, the t:thnic 6tudies Minor, independent student research 8rant.s, and faculty/student dinners Lo name just a few. &he also actively sou8ht out student issues and concerns about academic issues to addr them with faculty and administration. This year she was able to he lp be8in work and lay lhe foundation for a student honor code. Out.side of her work and near perfect academic performance, C ianna makes the world a much better place and always makes my day a little bit better. By Mike orrales Vice 'ptz.esidettt 'g-i11a11ce /Platt 2vetz.ett
In lhe short Lime that I have had lhe opportunity to 8el to know Mall Everett, I slill have yet lo ftnd the perfect words lo describe him. As Vice Presidenl o f finance, he has made what looks like the mosl dimcull position on lhe Executive Board look easy. Wi th Matt's e fforts, we were able to complete the lransilion or a semesler bud8el inlo an annual bud8et for the ftrsl time. rle also serves on several University-wide committees and has the opportunity lo play an imporlanl role in the search for a new Vice Presidenl o f finance for U6D. Mall has a very charismatic approach lo everyone he deals wilh. His sublle voice and carin8 manner 8ive the people lhal visit his office the rea urance that lheir concerns are lop priorily. Mall's involvement in the U6D community reaches end lo end with various or8anizalions includin8 lational Italian American foundalion, 6Ludenl Alumni i\ssocialion, Campus Connections, University Ministry and Phi Kappa The la. The rewards of Mall's hard work and ded ication will be around for many year· Lo come. By Nancy Palo Jil\:i,·~_..
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