Alcala Yearbook 1998
S etiio'l.s /11 ichael Casar;Mttde &. 'Jett f
As &nior & nalors, we planned pro8rams and informed lhe senior class of all upcorn.i~ senior and A& sponsored evenls. &ome of lhis years aclivilies included l he ftrst annual Back lo &hool Party at Canes, &nior tlappy liours, & nior Chrislmas Party, & niors Helpi~
& niors communily service projecl, educalional symposiums, and l he second annual & nior Week. We also worked hard to resolve studenl issues which were brou8ht loour al tenlion by concerned U&D sludenls.
'}u11io'l.s Che-Ch11l CoHes &. /lta'l.lf;el
As the Junior.ClaS3 &nalors, our 8oals for lhe year were lo hold evenls 8eared toward our claS3, lo communicale effeclively, and aclively r1 voice the concerns of l he juniors. We kicked ;-,Jt the year off with lhe Back lo &hool Party al Canes, and finished off l he first semesler wilh a Char8ers 8ame and lail8ale party. ThroU8hout the year we held a study hour in Aromas, resume workshops, and had a Hu~ry tlour al Trophys. We
were able lo do all of lhese lhin8s wilh help fromour Junior Class Commillee, sendin8 out newslelters, and throu8h e-mail. Throu8h &Ludenl Issues Board, & nale, Bu~el Comillee, and Pro8ram Board we were able lo make sure your su88eslions and ideas were heard and responded lo. We had a 8real lime. Thanks Class of '99!
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