Alcala Yearbook 1998

//llultL-//lledLa. Sei vlces Steve 2Lleis The Director of Multi-Media &rvices i a new position at U0D, created to _ help start and operate U0Dtv. U0Dtv is a 100% student-run , _iA or8anization. It allows students to put their creative talents to work , i~ and helps keep themoff the mean treets of i\lcals Park. U0Dtv will -//{1i feature pro8ramrnin8 that directly relates to each tudents life both on · and off campus. lt 8ives tudents a chance to express what they are feelif18 throu8h a medium we've all 8rown up with. Watch out MTV. here comes U0D.

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Om p U tln? /ldha.a.m Sha.a.6a.n

i\s the i\ssociated 0tudents Director of Computin8, I've been char8ed with providin8 creative and technical direction for the L\0 World Wide Web pa8es and more importantly, I'm responsible for reFlectin8 the student views and representin8 their needs and wants in matters of computi n8 at U0D.

//ll a.ketLn? /!,Lz. Coates & Biett J-!a.nle11

It is the job of the Co-Directors of A0 Marketif18 to or8anize extensive and innovative marketin8 campai8ns for 1\0 events and pro8rams throu8h the use of advanced technolo8ies, the rules of desi8n, and marketin8 ·. . 8uidelines. We worked closely with the member of the Marketin8 ;'o/.""=~ Board and the Marketin8 Committee to most effectively promote L\0 _1 events and activities to the entire student body.

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