Alcala Yearbook 1998
Pictured Left: The Ca ino ight and Pictured Below: Opening Night's Dance is a popu lar O-Week event, Surprise Event is a fun opportunity to and a chance to get dressed up for a get to know other students. night out.
from Auc3ust 31st until &ptem.ber 6th, 1350 freshmen and transfer students were introduced to the University of &an Diec30 with Orientation Week 1997. "0-Week" is an annual event providinc3 information, proc3rams and activities to help c3ive new students a c3limpse of U0D !ife. Team leaders, advisors, speakers, and planners fromall parts of the University work to orc3anize and carry out the busy week. from the strut of Move-In until the closinc3 slide show, new students are swept up in a whirlwind of activity. The openinc3 "0urprise Event," third annual Day on the Green, and Casino Nic3ht and Dance helped freshmen and transfers meet other students and become more fami liar with campus. The tlarbor Cruise, ic3ht at &a World, Trolley .Qides and 0hoppinc3 0huttles c3ave students a taste of off-<;ampus life. And proc3rams presented by the Office of f inancial Aid, 0tudent Affairs, and Office of Druc3 and Alcohol Awareness provided students with important information about more than just academic issues. 0-Week '97 wa a c3reat opportunity for freshmen and transfers to learn about the University, collec3e life and &an Die8o, while meetinc3 other students and havin8 a 8ood Ume.
Pictured Above: The Alcala Bazaa r gives students a chance to stock up on neces ary items and room decoration .
Orientation Week 11
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