Alcala Yearbook 1998

Alcala Club

The Alcala Chili is a service or8anization of men and women who work with President Iiayes as the

official representatives of the University. They act as liasons between the UoD community and the various 8uests who visit our campus. As the student --=~~~;::------71:;;;::::::;~==,iiiiiii1 representatives of the University, they 8reet and re8ister 8uests, answer questions about U<£>D and work at various events sponsored by different UoD departments. ~me activities which the Alcala Club participate in are: Iiomecomifi8, Presidents Dinner, Corporate Qelations Dinner, family Weekend, Alumni Mass, All-faith &rvice ~~~~---=-~===~~~~~..:....~~~~~ and Mass of the Iioly opirit.

Student Organizations 179

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