Alcala Yearbook 1998

National Italian American Foundation

NIAfs accomplishmeni:8 dunn8 the 1997-1998 academic year include host.if18 UoDs first annual Italian Iieril~e Week. The week included a showin8 of 'The Godfather" on West Point field, an Italian Ni8ht in the cafeteria with a live performance from the

cast of "Joey and Marias 1.=.:~~==____;_;, Comedy Italian Weddif18," and a Gala Dinner in oan Die8os liisloric Gaslamp OQ_arter. On the national level. U0Ds NIAf was represented for the first lime al the NIL\f Gala Weekend in Washir)8ton D.C. finally, NIAf was able to arran8e U0Ds first annual lnterseS3ion in Italy trip. Nineteen UoD studeni:8 had the opportunity to study and travel lhrou8hout Italy. Greek American Club

The Greek American Club was started this past year on U0Ds campus. Its first year was succeS3fu[ and il expeci:8 to continue to do well and 8row.

Student Organizations 183

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