Alcala Yearbook 1998

Bryan Sullivan

Tiffany Marie Smejkal Congratulations on being our first granddaughter to graduate from

To our wonderful son and brother, congratulations on your graduation from

college. The whole family salutes you. Keep thinking... 35. Much love and support, Mom, Dad and Patrick

USD. We are so proud of all your great accomplishments. May all your dreams come true!

, We love you very much, ~~----=::::r:2. Mom, Dad, David & Michelle

Angela M. Trevino Congratulations Angela, on your graduationfrom USD! Angela, we are all very proud of you, for what you have


accomplished. May all your dreams come true. With great pride and

much love, Mom, Dad,

CONGRATULATIONS - WE ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU! LOVE, MOM & CHAD Annelyne C. Dimarucot To our loving daughter,

Nicole, Vanessa, Granada, Corky, Bonito, & Amigo

Amelia M88dalena Victoria Willmon Cof18ratulations! We are proud of you. Dare to dream great dreams. Love,

We are blessed to have you , and so proud of you and all your hard work and accomplishments. You 're such a wonderful and happy young lady. We will treasure all the beautiful moments we ' ve hared, and the joy and love you brought to each of u . We wi sh you the best of luck in

Mom, Dad 0 The Willmon family

the future . May all your dreams come true . We love you more than anything in the world. Love, Mom & Dad Senior Ad 229

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