Alcala Yearbook 1998


We're proud of the beautiful person you have become and that you are our daughter. Congratu lations on your accomplishments. You have proven t hat all things are possib le.

Reach fo r the stars, Red Hot!

We love you.

Mom, Dad, and Gregg

Elly R. D. Edraisa


Congratulations Elly! Knowledge is power and it i hard to attain, but with your hard work, patience, and perseverance, you have done it. WEARE PROUD OF YOU. May the Lord God guide you all the time. Love, Mom, Dad, Kuya, and Jordan

Congratulations on your graduation from USD! We feel very proud of you and wish you the best for the future . We love you. Mom 1 Dad 1 Virginia 1 and Perla 36 Senior Ad

Mommy, I love you! Jordan.

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