Alcala Yearbook 1998

Jonathan Curtis McMullen ¼I.if' ami/tiolf al(dlete!"m1'tratiolf «1/IImale10a a.faeeu.f/almal( 1

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Leaders are not found in a flock, but rather one at a time like the Eagle. You have dared to oe a leader, with unwavering integrity, and commitment to excellence. Accepting the challenges of life, whatever the risk, always going the extra mile. As a Winner you have given of yourself, so that others may learn from your example, how to achieve their dreams. Let it be proclaimed,


You are a Winner, You are a Leader, and as such, can be found Soaring as the Eagle.©

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprint of

your ultimate achievement. 1 u/l,,atwe!" tk m1'trleM eOl(ee,;~ al(dt!"aft ieftw~ /t «1/llae/4/we, 11 "Out in FOUR!" We are very proud of you! With All our Love, Dad, Morn, Mike and Kristie (And Marc too!)

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