Alcala Yearbook 1998

Adrianna Correa


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•t ' . . ·• Adrianna, ,'






My dearest child, you have made me so proud. You rnan58ed to achieve all that you wanted. 1 alway knew that you would be very pecial. With Cod' help and our prayers, you made it - a colle8e 8raduate! liow wonderful! You are my first born, my dau8hter, rny ri8ht hand, and rny friend. Whal more can 1 be Lhankful for? I pray Lhat you will always be happy. Love you always, Morn Anna - Co~ralulalion ! A you em.bark upon your fulure, 1 wi h you Lhe besl of everylhin8. As you've dernonslraled Lirne and Lirne a8ain, you will be ucce rul al anylhin8 you do. You're a beauliful youn8 lady. Love, An8el , , Dearesl Adrianna, I have walched you 8row inlo a lovely, inlelli8enl and wise youn8 lady, always keepin8 your head up when 8oin8 Lhrou8h hard Limes, bul never 8ivin8 up. Adrianna, you know how rnuch l love you. You are alway in my prayers for a happy, healthy, and bri8ht future. Your Crarn To the love of my life, Adrianna, 1 have o much Lo thank you for. You have 8iven rpe a new life. I arn rea lly proud of you for your hard work in school, and now you are 8radualin8 1rorn U8D. Alway keep that tro~ frarne of mind Lhal you nave. Whenever you need help or thal extra push, turn to your ri8ht or lefl, l will be there for you. You are my heart, my everythin8, my life. You will be with rne forever and always. on8ratulations Ori and be t wi h . I love you! Darnell Belcher

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