Alcala Yearbook 1998

over 14,000 Farmers Agents a lready enjoy. If that's t he kind of career you t hought abour befo re yo u we nt to co llege, a ca ree r in a profess ion bui lt on trust, caring and dependability, please give us a call. We' ll show you just how profirab le your co ll ege education can be. For more inform ati on about how you and Fa rme rs ca n bu il d a fu tu re toge th er, call: Barry Crosby, Divis ion Marketi ng Manager at (619) 93 1-74 70 akeyour ha lot more.

If you spent thousands of doll ars to get a co llege degree, but find it's not wort h as much as you thought, we'd like to recommend a course of act ion . To ca ll the Farmers Insurance Group of Companies . We 'll make your degree pay off. A com pany t hat will give you the best rraining (we' ll even pay you whil e you learn), best insu rance products, strong support, and pe rhaps, most important ly, yo ur inde– pendence. You will be ab le to set your own goals. And achieve t he virtua ll y un limited earni ng potent ial that Farmers college degre

America can depend o n farme rs.

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PEREGRINE SYSTEMS, INC. 12670 High Bluff Drive San Diego, California

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