Alcala Yearbook 1998

C o IO~,~ _: , ,\k·ali. vc,lumc 4 l. i, '" 216- P"SC ~•11 l, lica l i<..•1 F' ' i11k j ('II IOO-p<.. 1 1111<..i Ii i"\..' sk-\1-..>; par---1· 1:-iy ,k,,,lc 11 " ~11L,lil 01 i(111,__ ll i" ,1,·\..•ll1F,ildli\..•11 '-'I Ihe m\..,,;l mcm()rJblc event.». F'Cl•F•lc ,111J \.. <..•lllF'<..•11c 11l." \.. 1 1lhc l lr 1i vcrs,il ,v ,-o rnr1111 11il y lo, llic 1997-19:)8 ;1, r1Jc111i'-- yc,1r. 0111 hone k,1 Iii, 1·c11,,; edition ol ll1c ;\l(c1li o"idc l1'<.. 1 n1li11i,;liin 1:; il . r , L \'(;:J" I\.., 1cn1c1,c 1il l hc c 11 li rc l 11ive r-,ill" '- orn rn11nil1· acc 11ral clv We 1·c\..i11'-·eJ i / ,/ ,/ Ilie ,,i1.c d Ihe .\k-al:1 Ii '-'111 la,;I ,·car. b11 I Ice! we jil.i "'-' \X'ii li<.., 111O ,<.-l11 d i11 1' ; 0 a11y imFx,1la 11I 3'-F'L'\.. '-"<..•l l <..'»D. We m,1i11lai11cd l k ,;ccl i,,11 \X' hi,-h h011'-, r" I Ii<..• - cl Ll i<..·alc'd I<., 1.'l'lllllllf llil 1• s-c1vi,-c . arl\..i m;111a~cj lo lil l Ili1.- c xn<11h.:l ~d , L r l''l''-'r[;,;, ( '. 1,'Ck. 1:111J 6l 11Jcnl )r5d 11i,:al i\._1(l l, 'Ylio11 ,;_ wc·,c 1,Jfit' y<.. 1 11 ·11 lll.•lil-,' ::rnJ HF•rrc\..·i;il c ;1li ish q11 c1 lil)' -''F''-'' L'>.',C( l i<..,fl. Wc'J like I<., lli,111k I'>, l''- k 0...-<..•I I <..>I ,ix:c1I I ~)l1<..,l..., 0 rnphy b lanl 3,,l i,· ;x i i<..•11 F•lic,t<..,_,, wlii'- li i11 <..,ur l111 ml, le <..•F•i11 io11 allowed 11 " I<., l- rea le Ihe 1:-ie,;I "F•Ori .,; ,;eel ion eve ,·. \X'c dc li 11ilcly 1'-'iX--J I<., p,· "c' ll i l 01) wil Ii :rn ,1Clil hel il'a lly plea,,;i1s

~' d like to thank: Mrs. Burger, the first person to recruit me to a yearbook staff; Jessie M., my friend and partner in the "Alcala Endeavor" for the last two years; Delta Tau Delta, my brothers who always support me; My friends and family who manage to lift my spirits always and remind me how fortunate I am. I love you; Kelly W., best of luck in KU! I'll miss you; Brian C., my good friend, comic relief, and brother for being there; My Rock, who gives me strength everyday; Oh... can't leave out the therapist - Yearbook's driven me crazy! Love, Ci-al

,~11J llll i(jllc' ( 0 \'c' I 101 lhc D<..•Ok. To ;l,(..)(IIC cx lc nl , WC k1 K•\X' <..•lll L,ook will be j11<.i scd b)' ii.,; ,-l,\'CI'! We d<..Yidcd Oil ,l ueam (..(.•k 11cJ ll'xl11rcd ccwc ,. hi ,c,l ili ~lil ed willi >'old l<..,ilcd lc'il ,·in ~ c1 nd a 111 1 lcr11:;lh 1:;lo,""'. nh1..,I'-' ol Ilic ln11na(1dal a·,; lc,wn - a 1·i,,,ion \Y/C l hi11k \._. L O L l. 1..... .1 i ,l•ill\..'i\..k,; wil Ii Olli' 1heme. "Qcc1chin5 . C\'(' Ileishl,,; .. lk'l)l) i» c1 lwr1v» •.;ceki1w 1(1 improve cvcr-1· m,,- -cl <..>I iL» co111111 u11il v a11d a," rc»tdl ii 1ca1.·lic.s- 11cw hc i1:;hl ,,; wil h c',1..: h '-i c11· l lrnl .1 0 .1 i ; L .I F'H"."<.'\-, We Ih<.•l lshl ii clF•PIOF•Ii31c lo rnak Ih,i l 01,r tl0()b, l hc rne. Willi lhc F•a.1-....ins (>I ou,· C>,I e 111cd Vice ~)rc,;i\..lC lli '-'I "li,,;,,,io11 a,id ~li11i,,lric~ ;ind (()fllnlllnil y ,»crva 11 l a11d l1ic 1d. ~'k,11s-is11,,1 1:1:1~c 11 il \X'i:l." ,-lea1 lo whc,111l li i1, cdiliL,11 1x'o11ld be Jcd i1..alcd. We 'd li ke le, thank lhc l 0D ,\ 1d1 iv ,; ;111d l 11i1·c-r,,il l' '·li11 i»l11· kx '- / I l-<..,n l Iibtil i11s ~, holo,-, k,, llK i11 Ll 1i,1, .><:<..'Lio,1. 01 1.-011r . ii i,; c,nly b;· l he Cr·acc" or Cod. Ilie p,1Lic 11ce arid u11dc1·,,,1 a11di11.3 l•I <..,111· aclvi.>.01,; and p11 bl ici.1,I _,;_ a1id I he- ""~•port d ma11y I I ic 11d» Ilrnl 1x 1 c have ,·L•fll ~)lclcd F•roJucl ion of l Iii,, p1bli<..-alion. 0 111 l krnk.» S<..• <.. 1 1rl k,: 1:d l'l)hl'x.-11: <.. 111 ,k,,,lc11» rc ~x .:"' · 111 al il'C who-"<.' l,-1 il h i11 0111 ~1bili l ic" ;1,,; cdik,1,; allo,x-cd 1,,, I lie opp<..•1 I11 11 ily I._, \..·\..•fll~ ilc l hi» edit i1..,11 . .11d 1ril h1..,ul 1rh<..• - help we ..:c111ld1d have ,·l•rn nlcl ed Ihe L,'- 1.."k: L\:it1,»a11 Pal' fllClll <.. 1 trr l 6D ;:ich·iR,r who ('-,11,;i,»Lc- 1il Iv c 1c1)u1·c1~c ,; u,;_ rnc1ko r / / ..._, 111, lau "-h IL• m,,me11lc11ih· 101,,cl lhc ,.,,c-~,;urc- ol dea'-i li11cs-. n10,·i--ic,; 0,11 id<111cc whe 11cvn we need ii. will1L 1 1il whorn \x-c ·j 11c 1·c 1mak il 1...., / o r- r \... ll11(>115li Ii.-. Ilic c 1iJ: 1.C. 61~ill: for l lic- ir all n hou r.)) i<..•lc- 1c1 1\..·c :1 11d c1,,;,,;is-lc111( <'." i11 1,alc ,,: ,'>iF,,xL-, Cc 11l n: 101 pholt,,;. ,1,lc1l i»l ic-,_ 1·().1,k1" c111d bullcl in» whi'--h make up pc1rl ol·011 ,;po, L,; -"c'Cl i1.., 11: Pa rc 11l Qclal ic,ns-. i\ lt1 m11 i Qclal ic 11,,;_ D, 1.3 :111d 1\lcohd .\ 1rarc 11c.>..,;_

;:i 1d ( \,mn11 111il.1· &, \'ice kc1 111 i11 -; Ol li(c,; lo,· l heir Cl•fll i1 111c1I cc,1111'ibul i,,11 / '- ,~ lid (Ol 1 pe1·JI ion: 1\6 O l!'icn,; a11d Di1c::cl.or.)>: for pli1.•lo,1.. 1,uppo1 l. <..-1.,p)', a11'-i c ,k-(11 11·c11;,C flle11 l. c,,;rY'<.." iallv "l ike C1..,rrc1 lc".'-. ~a 11cv Pab 6lcnlia11ic L. , --- / / r Qei...-11n1a11. Mal I 1·:\'nel 1. ' lik ( 'a.,;a5r,1n'-i c. ,Jen Kho 11e11. 1 lol lce Cl1apma11. L »Ii Wa,d. Kendall Ca,,par c111d ,lt1a1 1· ,;..:obcdo Ted l) o 11c,vo11 ~1nd lhc Vl6T:\ ,;po1h F•ltOll•s1aplty s-l all lor C<..•1ll1 ib11li1..,fl,>, lo "P<..•1'~" pa5c,;: i\ n1a11da t'.icck: 101· ba ili 11 ~ u~ 01rl ol nliol o .)-,IK•rl a1:;c~ Iimc ,rnd I irnc a1:;a i11: '- r L \.. .1 \11d li11allv. le.· <..>1r l~illil"1 rl vc31h ,ok ,»tall wlK•K dcd i( ali1.. 1 11 k:i" · 'C II Ilic / / ,1\ b l~ 98 Ilt w115lt I<., co rnplc l ion l"l 1ia11 ConvcrK. l.i,»a P1111l.i(j11i,,,l. ,\m) Il;:11•e,_.,_ dll'-7 Kelle Th'-,1113,,,_ Cl•lll' w,iln,;: ,Jo,;ic Moor-c '111'-7 & -ol I l"ln~c n. I j / I.... ph1.,l<.. 1 0 raphn ;;: ( ·.1 ,-klic ,1 ,'ix.·l111c idc 1 a11,i Kim 1'>1111<.i cl l. ,- roppn»: ;\11d all co1Ji 1·il,11lo1,». Creal '-'r ,»rncill. 1\LI. C\..,11lrib11li<..,11 " ''-' Ilic ,;11L-,·o,,;l11I 1..'<..,mplcl ion oi"l hc 43rd cdilio11 <..>I l hc i\k:,11~ ~11c 0 1c"cil ly appreciated. C\'Cn ii" 1x'e k,r1:;ol 11., name 1·011 r,c1·,;011c1 lh·. ~ i I ., ( ' had &,lco (6 Jc.;.,-,ic ~lc 1·1\sa1 1·:'-i il 1.•1·,,

There are many people who have helped me immensely this year, in keeping my patience, my sanity and my spirits up. Thanks specially to .. My family--my parents for always listening and Ian for always cheering me up; Ellen--my advisor in life. What would I do without you?; Lisa--shop therapy and great e-mail conversations; Ryan--a great listener and en even better friend; Amy-– you're ftm to work with and a fantas tic friend; Chad--we're 2 for 2. Congratulations on another job well done, good luck next year; Brian--thanks for always listening, even if you did tease me about it later; Gretchen--even in my most neurotic moods, you make me look sane., just tea ing. Thanks to all my friends who have helped me out, put up with my crises, and made me smile. Love, ~ Je,,f,f;'e, /.

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