Alcala Yearbook 1998

Teen People, asawy monthly magazine ror and about teenagers, premieres in February 1998.

Fashion advertising and clothing trends inspire lhe popularity or the color orange,which repl,1ces neon green as the Fad color or the year.

In October, acyberrashion show at the M.I.T. Media Lab Wearable Symposium Features Fashion with built-in computer devices and electronic hardware. M.I.T. students designed the high-tech Fashions.

Princess Diana tribute merchandise abounds, including adouble CD set and anew Beanie Baby named Princess, aroyal purple bear adorned with arose. Profits benefit the Diana, Princess or Wales Memorial Pund.

Fashion looks to ttte Par East. The stick-on bindi, atinl" decorative accent worn in the middle or ilw Forehead, is popularizrd by Cwen Sterani, lead singer or theband No Doubt.

Nike introduces a new "I Can" advertising campaign on New Year's Day. The company does not plan to abandon its "Just Do H" slogan, introduced in 1985, which will continue to appear on T-shirts and posters. Diet Scent Patches are introduced in June by Slimline, a British company. Designed to help people diet successfully, the small arm stickers produce an unpleasant odor to discourage the wearer from eating sweets.

Thisyear's look in cosmetics isgli111n1eri11g. sparklingand rnlorFul. Ridin~ I his wave, rns1nelirs gianl C'hrislian Dior introd11c1·s Mascara l·lish. temporary hair rnlor in a1mirly or 01Ilrag1'U1IS linl s.

··'l\vo Fat Ladies" becomes theFood Network"s holiest new cooking show in 1hr 11.S .. allracling ranswilh ils unronventional Britishstars, lwo overweight. middle-aged women.

Plal Form sho('s, ,1Fashion slatement during thP clisrn '70s. make astvlr comrbark in abigway in 19!17, inspiring even plaIrorm snr,1kers.

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