Alcala Yearbook 1998

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<( ABC'sgritty police drama "NYPD Blue" remains one of the most popular one-hour dramason television in 1997, capturing four Emmy Awards.

Comedian Chris Parley dies at 33 fa drug ovrrdosr on December 18. He starred in NBC's "Sa111rday Night Live" and movies including 1l m11ir Bor and Beverly HillsNinja.

Columbia..'M;,ndalay from th, Kob.11Cot!t

► Thelosl World, Steven

Spielberg's JurassicPark sequel, breaks summer box-office records everywhere. It earns $229 million in the U.S.

Ii( Jerry Seinfeld, creator and star of the NBC hit "Seinfeld," announces

in December that the 1997- 1998 season is the show's last. The final episode airs in May, ending the popular show's nine-year run.


~ • IICOllll-, lhe WB'I calllPJ ......,.., Ille Vamph Sllyw'' ............ .... ........... ....., ..... Jemy McCatlly stars ~ .... w rec CG!Mlly "Jenny'' lhlt, in Janiay 1998, 1D11 Ila hlllus ~ .............. tnt -- McCatlly had .... .. MIV ............ IIIMICID Ille llllwadL

Critically acclairnedA1111:,·1ad, direeled bv StevenSpielberg, tells thestory of an 18:l9 slave ship 11111ti11y. The film cul111i11ates yearsof effort by producer DebbieAll<•n lobringlhc story lo life.

Scream 2. the chilling hil scqurl lo Scream, is awildlv s11rre:sf11I mix of rarililge and co111cd)' slarring Neve Campbell. Jmy o·co1111ell, Tori Spelling,.JadaPinkrll and ahost of other stars.

Fox network launches "King of lhe Hill." ana11i111aled show lllill f1x·11seson lhe lives of apropane dealrr from Texasand his famil)'. Theshow goes011 lobcco111c a smashhil.

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