Alcala Yearbook 1998

Miss Illinois, Katherine Shindle, is crowned MissAmerica 1998. For the first time in its 77-year history the pageant allowscontestants to wear two-piece swimsuits in competition.

Beloved actor Jimmy Stewart dies in Julyat 89. Stewart's enduring nice-guy popular'lvis exemplified by It's a Wonderful life, 1is 1946 movie that is now an American cultu al icon.

Chelsea Clinton begins her freshman year at Stanford

University in Palo Alto, California. Despite security measures, she reportedly will lead as normal a college life as possible.

Rcutcrs/Archi\-e Photos

For the first lime, acomputer beats aworldchess champion when IBM's Deep Blue beats Russian Garry Kasparov in a six-game match in May 1997.

dies September 5at the age of 8 Revered for alifetime of helping the poor st of the poor, her many honors include tli 1979 Nobel Peace Prize.


Sarah Ferguson. Duchess of York. appears ill adsasaspokesprrson for Weight Watchrrs Internat ional. She is the fon ner wiff' of Engla11d's PrinceAndrew.

TedTurner,vicechair111au of the 'li1ur Warner 111edi,1 empire, pledges $1billion to lJniterl Nations programs. It is the largest singlegift ill philanthropic history.

American.lodyWillia111sa11d the lnterm1tional Ca111paign loB,111 l1llld lines are awarded tlw 1997 Nobr l Prar·<· Prize inOctobr r. The U.S.and China rrfuse tosignan international treatr that would han land 111i11Ps.


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