Alcala Yearbook 1998

The Junior Cla&'i i~ cc=-rla inly 011 iL'i way l.o ,. c.Jchin8 new hc i 0 hlc'i: l he y' ,-c app1·oach i11 0 Lheir & nior yea r \Xl il.h cxc il m nt. MosL junio,·s ,:ll'e locu.,.;ed in on Lh= complcl io11 ol.Ll1eir rn ajo,· wo,'k. 6am= lrnv l.aken Lheir· J\l udies abmad. Lo bmadc n Lhei,· ct1llL11 ·al horizons JS wd l. fo,, I.he mosl. P' ,t j 1111ior',:,'i arc we ll a~qt1ain l d \Xlilh U1 ll ni ve,·~il.y and iLe'i Sll l'f'Olllldi llo

commun ily. They are \Xlell ad_ju.,.;l =d l.o Lhe li le or· a colle8e sl 11d =nL They have=- lhei,· work loads 1111dc 1· co11lml and lrnve carved a niche ror l hemse lv s wil.hin Lile campus commu11ily. wheLh ,- I hroush i11 volve n1c 11 L i11spo,·Lc'i. cc1 m~us leadershi p, cull t1 ral or3a 11i za l ionl). comm1111i l.y " rvic . C,eek li fe, 01· any ol her or· Lhc- 111sny sl.ud nL 013ani1.s l ions. here al U8D. Ml:ln)' juniorn ar now lookin 6 Lo\Xla1·d Lhe lt1 Lu re. Kopin3 oul. ca ,· c=- 1' choic s \X il hin Lhc ir Ide! 01· sLudy. and pc:1 -ht:ipe'i li 11i1\3 up ink. rnsh ips for l hem_: =Iv s. OLhers arc ~onsid 1·in3 whet.her 3raduc1Lc lev I cdurnlion is wher U1ey'd li k lo

h-1 Junior~

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