Alcala Yearbook 1998

No lon8er freshmen, sophomores are faced with new and ex.citin8 challen8es. Challen8es such a choosin8 a maj or, tackl in8 the first of many upper division cla s, and frndin8 out where they fit in the world, face them in every direction they turn. Truly sophomores have be8un their tru88Ie to reach new hei8hts. Movin8 beyond the fir t year excitement of be5i nnin8 a new chapter in their lives, the sophomore year is one of intensity. 6UII without much more than a 8limpse of upcomin8 8raduation, sophomor~') have a 8reat deal to accomplish. ln the ir short stay here at Lhe Univer ity of 6an Die8o sophomores mu t make an attempt to fi8ure out what lies in the ir near future, and how Lo 8et there. for now i the time to start. l ut scho la tic stru88Ie won't keep the ever-ene r8etic sophomore from reachin8 new he i8hls in olher aspects of life. l astin8 relationships are cemented with the 8Iue of time and shared experiences. New friends are bein8 made everyday as sophomores face the campu with the confidence that only time has 8iven them. I ife away fromschool i filled with ocial and spiritual events that brin8 them to8elher in a bond that cannot ea~ily be broken. By /\.my 1-Jayes

74 Sophomore

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