Alcalá 1990

I Campus Ministry


Team leaders pose for a quick shot at the spiritual retreat.

Dear Campus Ministry, I was recently on an undergraduate retreat and I wanted to tell you that I had such a great time! It was the perfect chance for me to break away from all the pressures and commotion of campus life. I made a lot of new friends, relaxed, soaked up the beautiful at– mosphere, learned to appreciate nature, found new ways to get closer to God, and spent time with others in personal reflection on the meaning and impact that faith has in one's life. Most importantly, I feel as if I have grown personally from this experience. I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful opportunity. How else can I get involved in Campus Ministry? Truly yours, Enthusiastic retreat-goer P.S. The food was awesome and good for you too!

Dear Enthusiastic Retreat-goer, Campus Ministry is delighted to hear that our retreat has helped expand your faith life and has allowed you to grow personally. There are many other opportunities for you and other university students to get involved with Campus Ministry. If you are seeking spiritual enrichment, we offer a number of off-campus retreats such as the one you attended, bible study, and pastoral retreats such as the one you attended, bible study, and pastoral counseling. You can also become involved with the worship aspects of Campus Ministry. A daily, weekend and Holy Day Mass schedule is available for community liturgy. Special pray– er services during Advent and Lent are also provided. In addition, RCIA and confirmation is available. If you are interested in the apostolic action area, Campus Ministry invites students, faculty and staff to participate in volun– teer services such as Hunger and Homeless week, crop walk, the soup kitchen, and the Tijuana shelter project. Campus Ministry is an organized effort for bringing people together to share faith, to grow spiritually, and to initiate service on behalf of others. We hope that you can take advantage of these opportunities for they will integrate and challenge the various aspects of your college exper· ience. Sincerely yours, Campus Ministry P.S. Enclosed are some pictures taken at some of our activities. Hope they will inspire you!

Students on the November undergraduate retreat kick-back as they wait to venture into the mine tunnel at Julian.

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