Alcalá 1990

. l'f1 f he womens team, like - th,~ • mens team ~ promises another successful season for USD. The Toreras closed out the 1988-89 season ranked thirteenth, the highest the wom– ens team has ever been ranked. It was also the first time they received a bid to'compete in the NCAA National Championships. As ofthe presea– son, our Toreras were ranked sixteenth and look forward to moving up in ranking. Competition this year includes such opponents as Stanford, UCLA, UC Berkley, Arizona State, and Oklahoma State. The ~ent on this years team will once again try to obtain another NCAA bid to the champion– ships_with several returning players. Included in the returnees are Aby Brayton, Christy Drage, Tonya Fuller, and Sako/wan "Tuck" Kacharoen. Aby was ranked fifty-fourth nationally after last

years competition. Tonya closed the season 19-8 and a national ranking ofeighty-seventh. "Tuck" closed the season with a sensational record of 20- 8 singles and 16-8 doubles for her rookie season. She is a valuable player according to the coaches and shows continuing success for this years team. Four newcomers join the squad. Margo Mullally in her first year is known for her singles and doubles play. Paula Hansen was ranked third coming out ofhigh school play and ranked seven– ty fourth nationally for girls' 18 singles. Karen Lauer is ranked twenty-fifth nationally, and Lau– ra Mannisto will also assist in this years Toreras season. With this talent, the Toreras plan to be com– peting in the championship once again, and fur– ther enhance the respect of tennis at USD.





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