Alcalá 1990

Kevin Bradley, a newcomer from Vegas, shows some backhand while in competition.

haps the best tennis player even seen at USD. Last season, Noriega was selected as a member of the 1989 ITCA Division I Men Volvo Tennis/All-American Team. He was also named by the ITCA coaches as Volvo Tennis/Rookie Player of the Year for Re– gion 8. Other returning players include Tim Bubnack, Thomas Simonsen, Sven Dargatz, and Bob Mehran. With this strong lineup, the Toreros hope to duplicate last years season. Even with four starters lost, the new members combined with last years returning players promises another victorious season for the Toreros at the net.

he 1989-90 men's tennis team prom– ise to have another successful sea– son. Due to an extremely successful season last year (25-7) the Toreros were ranked fourteenth in the nation and will be facing much harder competition this year. Such teams as SDSU, UCLA, the U.S. Na– val Academy, Vanderbilt University, and St. Marys College will be this years compe– tition. This years team only lost four players from the 1989 lineup and return all of the rest, adding four freshman with impressive record from high school. Topping the list of returnees is Jose Luis Noriega, per-

Dan Mattera awaiting bis doubles partners to serve. Materra won the #5-6 division ofthe San Diego Intercol– legiate& & reached the aingles and doubles final ofthe '89 wee ehampionahips and will hopefully have a repeat performance for this season.


Jose Noriega, last years NCAA All-American, was rated sixth in this years preseason competition and will no doubt move up the ranks throughout the season.

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