Alcalá 1990

University Of 8an Diego

Grant Improves Drug And Alcohol Educat1ori G By Paula M. Marcheschi he USD Alcohol and Drug Education Program is improving $74,449 worth in the next two years. USD received a grant from the US Department of Education and plans to train selected students and faculty to educate the rest of the student population. Sr. Annette Schmeling, Director of Alcohol and Drug Education said, "(The grant program) is not open to everyone, but everyone will definitely be affected by it." Schmeling explained that the major benefit from the grant will be "Wilderness Weekends." These three day sessions, run by the national company Outward Bound, are designed for 125 participants. Schmeling said, "The weekends will be a bond– ing kind of experience ... a real sense of group," The objective of this program is to provide stu– dents with a drug-free environment enabling them to develop the skills of "trust, risk and communication."

fr. Mullen Off To W~t Point

by Sean Southard and Paula M. Marcheschi

nstead of standing on the sidelines of football games, participating in other USO organizations and celebrating 7pm masses, Fr. Owen J. Mullen will become a part of the United St.ates Military Academy at West Point this Spring. Mullen, Resident Director of De Sales and a

UC Name Changed To Honor Donor Ernesl And Jean tlahn Generates $ 7 Million for UC Construction USO News Bureau GJ n recognition of their service to and support of USO, the University Center will be renamed the Ernest and Jean Hahn University Center at 4pm Friday, September 22, ceremonies. The dedication will take place in front of the three year-old University Center, which the Hahns help build. Through their personal gift, and fundraising efforts, Mr. and Mrs. Hahn are responsible for contributions of nearly S7 million of the estimated $11 million that financed construction of the Uni– versity Center. Ernest W. Hahn, one of the region's most influential community leaders, has been vice chairman of the USO Board of Trustees for three years and becomes its chairman next summer. He joined the 36 member board in 1982.

lieutenant colonel in the US Army, said, 11 1have always wanted to go on activity duty." The position Mullen will hold became available while he was serving a month of active military duty during the summer. Each summer Mullen spends one month serving as a chaplain/counsel– or for entering cadets. When a full-time position became available, Mullen discussed the possibility of accepting it with his bishop in New Jersey. The bishop approved Mullen's proposal and Mullen will begin serving at the Academy in January. Mullen will be the Catholic military chaplain for the corps of cadets and Catholic faculty and West Point families. Attempted Qape In Vistas 0 by Jonathan Canedo and Carrie Bluvas female student suffered minor physical injuries in an attempted rape at knifepoint at about 3 am last Thursday in her Alcala Vista apartment. The man fied after the victim's two roommates discovered the attack and ran for help. The attacker gained entrance to the apartment building through a propped open door. The door to the apartment itself was locked, but the key to the apartment was left hanging on the doorknob. According to the victim, the assailant threatened her with a knife and demanded her to have sex with him. Astruggle ensued which alerted her roommates to the assault. During the course of the struggles she wrestled the knife away. Security arrived on the scene immediately after they were called, and they in tum called the San Diego Police Departmen~ which is currently investigating the case.

Continued on page 3

expansion, to be finished in early 1990, will round out this decade's expansion. Total expenditures will top the $48 million mark and the square footage added will reach al- most 530 thousand square feet.

U8'O: The Ongoing Construction

by George Hammond

he past decade has seen a plethora of construction

projects on. campus. Beginning in 1978 with the Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing, the Univer– sity has completed nine separate struc– tures. The Law Library

Alcala Gazete


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