Alcalá 1990

United States

Bush Says It's Time For 'New World' By George E. Condon Jr. Copley News Service

WASHINGTON - President Bush, calling on Americans to " imagine a new world with a new Europe," said last night he hopes to use next week's summit meet– ing with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to "once and for all end the Cold War." In a televised Thanksgiving Eve address to the nation from the president ial retreat of Camp David, Mr. Bush said the nation can be thankful for the democratic revolu– tion currently sweeping across Eastern Europe. He hailed the changes as "a joyful end to one of history's saddest chapters." "On other Thanksgivings, the world was haunted by the images of watchtowers, guard dogs and machine guns," he said. " But now the world has a new image - reflecting a new reality - that of Germans, East and West, pulling each other to the top of the wall - a human bridge between nations."

0 Riled Alrlineo pilot, Capu&Ji, Al Haynes, declared "there is no hero" in the llery OC-10 crash in which IUJ'Vivon outnumbered lalalllles. Of the 296 people aboard, there were 1811 eumvon. ~.iation experts have cN

V Voyager 2/Neptune oyager capped Ill historic 4.43-billion-mile, 12 year lour ----of lour planets when It skimmed 8,048 miles over Nep–

United Crash In ~ioux City

tune's north pole in August, then dove past Triton, lite planet's largest moon. It rtlllde its closest approach about 28,000 miles above the moon's surfaceat 2:10 am.

on 8/ 26/89. Voyager was nearly 4.6 bllllon miles along a curving path that took ii from Earth in 1977, past Jupiter ln 1979, Saturn in 1981 and Ur&J1111 ln !980. 11 1( you want to understand Earth, go look at other worlds/' said astronomer Carl Sagan, a member or the team that analyzed about 81,000 photographs taken by Voyager 2 and !ts twin Voyager I,

Miss America 1990

eaving a trial of death and destruction acroes the Caribbean, Hurricane Hugo smashed into the C086tal city or Charleston, South Carclina on Sep– tember 22, 1989. Hugo's 13&mile-8Jl·hour winds snapped power lines, toppled trees and flooded the low-lying areas of South Carclina, causing more than hall a million people lo nee and leaving thouaands homeless. Congress readily approved SI.I billion in emergency aid for the victims of Hurricane Hugo - Capitol Hill', largest disaster relief package ever.

Alcala Gazette


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