Alcalá 1990

Saint Francis Seminary is a house of formation established by the Diocese of San Diego to provide college and pre-theological forma– tion for men aspiring to the dioce– san priesthood. Its immediate aim is to help them mature as liberally e cated persons committed to Christ, to the Church, and to the se vice of others.

Seminary representative, Gwen Twigler.

Saint Francis Seminary on campus.

Se:mfn~:rY- 1667 Santa Paula Drive

The Community Service Committee, chaired by Elizabeth Ryan, was in charge of programming many events that benefited the community. Some of the on-going projects that they were involved in were the Viejas Indian Reservation, Senior Outreach Weekend, Spe– cial Olympics, Adult Literacy, Volunteers for Youth, (Saturday School for "Newcomers"-im– migrant refugee children) and Los Ninos. In addition, they were in charge of programming special events such as the Urban Plunge Pro– ject, Halloween Trick or Treating in the Vistas, a Christmas party, and SOS Day during fresh– man orientation.

Community Service Committee. Front row: Mary Hamilton, Chriatina Chavery, Elizabeth Ryan, Anaatasia Ryll. Back row: Anita Butkis, Arny Garcia, Julie McDonnell, Amy Kupie, Todd Dupey. Not pictured: Wendy Carlaon, Bonnie Villabos, Gretchen Gibbons, Hai Nguyen, Scott Weaver, Anne-Marie Curran, Chriati– na Kettman, Tammy Otero, Peter Duncan.


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