Alcalá 1990


~th such an active stu– dent body at USD, Clubs and Organiza– tions play a very impor–

tant role in the USD community. Clubs are a convenient way for new students to become involved and meet people at USD. An en– joyal,le way for older students to help the Univer~ity evolve into a fine and diversified community, sharing their leadership, creativ– ity, and social awareness. Each Club and Organization follows the USD .tradition of being active in community service by taking part in a philanthropy project. The wide variety of Clubs and Organizations that are offered at USD gives each student a chance to participate in an extra-curricu– lar activity no matter what their interests might be. Barbara Roder, Secretary of Student Orga– nizations and President of ICC, worked vtry hard this year orga– nizing a very successful Club Day and keeping the Clubs and Orga– nizations active in the USD com– munity by ushering new innova– tive ideas and creative minds. CONGRATULATIONS to all Clubs and Organizations for a very successful 1989-1990 year!


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