Alcalá 1990

"T he University of San: Diego is.a lem~ .,..__.,. munity :!,'Of · schol- ,ars.1! So' begins the .philos-· rophy and· :mission state– --ment of our\ univ~rsity, ,re .~t]lt~~rit that sets f the· tone (or an institution of.· distinctive quality, USD 'is· known for i't~'·CoffilJlitment t<'>- fea,c}:ling, ljbetar arts, the .formation of ,values and community . involvement. USD . stu<,lertts;. 'are -enoour– :il$ed·to l~rn in ~ variety of se{tings<- on-campus, in or ottt of -classes; off-campus, as volunteers to various or•, gani,z~Jons .and neighbor– hoods, /'"'and, sometimes, ~ven oiits1d·~ the U.S., thfQugh .many aifferent .prog~atns ··abroad. All :of -th~s~ experiences .provide. students with an awareness of their responsibility to humanity;,...... a sense of re– sponsibility riur.tur,ed ~ Jjy the institution's Catholic orientation.


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