Biophysical Society Thematic Meeting - June 28-July 1, 2015

New Biological Frontiers Illuminated by Molecular Sensors and Actuators

Tuesday Speaker Abstracts

Revealing Proteostasis Capacity in Cells by a Fluorescent Sensor Yuning Hong . University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. See abstract: Pos-11 Board 11

Investigating Cellular Activity in Dissociated Neuronal Cultures Using Novel pH and PKA Activity Biosensors Thorvald F. Andreassen, Sofie E. Pedersen, Kenneth Madsen . University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. See abstract: Pos-31 Board 31

Illuminating Biochemical Activity Architecture of the Cell Jin Zhang . The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.

It has become increasingly clear that cellular biochemical activities are compartmentalized in nanoscale domains that define the biochemical architecture of the cell. Despite advances in molecular sensors and optical imaging, direct interrogation of any minute activity domains at the molecular length scale remains a challenge. In this talk, I will focus on cAMP and Ca2+ regulated signaling activities and present studies where we combined genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors, superresolution imaging, targeted biochemical perturbations and mathematic modeling to probe the biochemical activity architecture of the cell.


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